Here come the... InvestiGATORS! Book your tickets now to meet John Patrick Green - author of the fantastically funny InvestiGATORS! InvestiGators: John Patrick Green at The cornerHOUSE Community Arts Centre event tickets from TicketSource
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About Regency Bookshop Regency Bookshop (est. 1962) is an independent bookshop based in Surbiton. We stock a general range of books and a wide selection of children's books. We also sell toys, gifts and jigsaw puzzles.
School Supply We offer a competitive discount on books supplied to schools. We offer an efficient and reliable free delivery service. Extra terms are applied to bulk purchases of single titles and we can supply
Author Events, Book Clubs and World Book Day. We run a variety of author events both for the public and school audiences. Pop in and see us to sign up to our events mailing list for upcoming events. We run bundles